Working Bio
Since 1999 I have been playing with Computer. Starting was with Windows 95. MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Typing capability was a big knowledge at that time. By the time, I have started learning and earning, from raw php to framework. HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, mySQL Database, sQlite Database, Java, Kotlin, C Sharp, Swift I have tasted these. Now, learning and working on Dart programming language for Flutter cross platform development environment, a technology by Google.
There are thousands of download on my iOS paid and free apps on AppStore. Millions of download on Android apps on Play Store. Hundreds of download on Windows App as UWP Universal Windows Application on Windows Store.
Also, I am working for business owner over UpWork platform with best of reputation. 200+ projects done.
Now, we have started our own business for my beloved country Bangladesh by offering IT hardware & software products through AsianSoftwareFirm. Our family business with ThemeForest. Development partner with Smart IT London.

Featured Project
Mobile App Development
My reference works could be checked by the live links provided here. where - 30k+ Sales in AppStore https://goo.gl/TTJuzH and 10M+ Downloads in Play-Store https://goo.gl/vmHLcJ live apps. Cross-platform App Development with Firebase. Also, working on NodeJS, Vue2, Nuxt with Rest API talking to firebase firestore. Ready to help with all the ways like a new development, update the existing, troubleshooting and consulting. I have developed iOS Apps for both iPhone and iPad with Swift. Applications in Kotlin for Android, in C# for Universal Windows App, and continuing

CSCart is growing for multi-vendor platform. Shopify is speedy and sleek for startups, WooCommerce is free distributed with WordPress, You need to pick one for your purpose. I help you making a proper decision for your case.
You have a shop? Good, I offer the best maintenance and sales promotion.

Windows App
Not your average software developer. YES, your heard it right.

World class apps

Tailored to your needs

Backend & API Development

User Centric Experiences

WorldClass Support

Award Winning quality

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